Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Can you send me a Landmark for Opensim please?

On my SL profile, big and bold, is references to Lost Paradise and Heritage Estates.

I often get random people im about the references.


*“Free land?  Sounds interesting... Can you send me the landmark?”*

I virtually sigh, and then take a deep breath and go on to explain….

“Did you ever hear of Open sim?”

*What’s open sim?*

It’s a virtual world’s grid.  It’s not on Second Life, it is its own grid. You need to slightly configure a viewer and create an account on in order to login into the world.

* Can you send me the landmark?*


Every now and then I get a person who actually knows what an Open sim grid, and can actually use a viewer other than the SL viewer.   It’s a pleasure to chat with them and give them the specifics on how to create an account and log in to the Lost Paradise Grid.

But I have a nagging question in the back of my beautiful virtual head.

How to get the masses involved in Open sim?  What will it take? Two clicks is more than the one click sound bite society we live in.  People don’t have patience and do not want to take the time to learn something new. They want quick gratification, they don’t want to think.

There has to be a better way.

I thought that Cloud Party, a fun, viewer-less experiment in virtual earlier this year, may have been the answer.

Now Arribasim, similar to Sim on a Stick but a bit more configurable has come along.

Where is the one click virtual login though?  Singularity, I think, allows a person to enter the grid URI in the location space, but even that is a stretch for some people.

If you can think of a quicker easier solution now, please let me know.

I will be right here, explaining why you cannot get a landmark to Heritage from Second Life to some opensim noob.







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