Saturday, January 25, 2014

Step back in time… Medieval Wessex—

One of my favorite Star Trek episodes (and yes, I am a bit of a Trekkie and I do age myself because of that) is “All My Yesterdays”.  

If you recall, this episode brings Kirk and company come to a planet about to be hit by an asteroid.   The people on this planet survived by time traveling backwards.  They were  transported back into time and lived out their lives in another age, hundreds or thousands of years before the imminent impact of the asteroid.   The people were able to pick the time and the place of their time travel from a huge historical depository named the “Library”.  Each inhabitant was genetically modified before time traveling to their desired age so that they were best suited for their new reality.

In a way, I feel like the Heritage Project is a bit like “All My Yesterdays”.  Of course we are not exiting our real life because of any imminent danger, but simply to escape for a few hours a day to a new age, a new reality.

The House of Wessex

In that vein we are trying to make your experience in our Heritage regions as immersive as possible and where possible we are offering entertainment,  wares, clothing and housing to fit the culture and time period.


 Medieval Wessex is a region in development in the Tudor area.


Future Jousting Run? I think I even see a stable for the horses!

We will have the essential town square, and several large Tudor styled buildings with room for retail and some housing.  We decided it was essential to have a romantic area to stroll and a few surprises along the way. Doc Falworth, region creator extraordinaire, is currently bringing this magical region to life.
Its’s like Disney world on your computer screen.
Come see, you may never want to leave ...

Here I am at sunset, thinking what a romantic place this would be for a wedding...

And Doc has outdone himself with a gorgeous Wessex "Kissing Bridge"

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